Greenkeeping Update with Greg 25/9/2017

Greenkeeping Update with Greg 25/9/2017

An extremely wet start to last week made it very difficult to get machines onto the course. However it did dry up enough for us to get things done and normal service pretty much returned by the end of the week. Golfing rough has now been cut across the course with only a couple of isolated patches left to do on Cottage Corner and Winney Bank.

One big plus was being able to treat the majority of those areas for Clover. We have tried a couple of different herbicides and also varied the combinations. This will give us an idea of which is the most effective and we will then carry that into next season and hopefully get on top of the troublesome weed.

On the course it is now one of our biggest challenges to get the golfing rough where we would like it to be. We’ve put together a short film here to give a little more explanation about it.

I hope you enjoy it and as always please get in touch with any questions.


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